Conflicting Colors

  • Identify different conflict styles for better understanding.
  • Enhance communication skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and effectively.
  • Build empathy and promotes better relationships with peers.
  • Receive tools to prevent conflicts in various settings.
  • Fosters a positive and harmonious environment through conflict resolution.


Every team is built in stages. While in the building process, every teams experiences conflict.

This training course is designed to help individuals understand and manage conflicts effectively using the True Colors framework. This course provides participants with valuable insights into their own conflict styles and teaches practical strategies to resolve conflicts in various personal and professional settings. By exploring the four True Colors personality types, participants gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others, leading to improved communication, empathy, and collaboration


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Course Highlights:

  1. Introduction to True Colors: Participants learn about the True Colors personality types and how they influence conflict styles. They discover their own dominant color and gain insights into how it affects their approach to conflicts.

  2. Understanding Conflict Styles: Delve into the different conflict styles associated with each True Colors personality type. Participants explore the strengths and challenges of each style, enabling them to comprehend the diverse perspectives and preferences of others.

  3. Effective Communication: Participants develop essential communication skills to express their needs, opinions, and emotions clearly during conflicts. They also learn active listening techniques to better understand the perspectives of others and foster productive dialogue.

  4. Building Empathy and Understanding: Focus on cultivating empathy and understanding towards individuals with different conflict styles. Participants gain insights into how their True Colors personality type influences their reactions to conflicts, enabling them to relate better to others’ experiences.

  5. Conflict Resolution Strategies: Participants acquire practical conflict resolution strategies tailored to each True Colors personality type. They explore collaborative problem-solving techniques, negotiation skills, and mediation approaches to reach win-win outcomes in conflicts.

  6. Creating a Positive Conflict Culture: Emphasizee the importance of fostering a positive conflict culture within teams and organizations. Participants learn how to prevent conflicts, manage disagreements constructively, and create an environment that encourages open communication and respect.